
Aug 11, 2013

Sharks: the Elite Fish [Part 2]

Let’s continue with sharks:
Biological Features [continued] 
Ampullae of Lorenzini are tiny pores on located on the lower jaw and snout. Sharks are also poisonous (not when they bite). Sharks steal their poison from fish that contain that poison. But the fish also steal the poison from dinoflagellates algae. This poison that the sharks eat is ciguatera. Another poison is called carchatoxin A and B. When ciguatera is consumed it can cause illness and if any carchatoxin is consumed they can
cause illness or even death. Sharks aren't made out of bone, their made of cartilage, that gets stronger by calcification. Cartilage is lighter in deep water sharks so the sharks’ buoyancy increases.
Shark Database: 

Whale Shark
Diet: zooplankton, fish, squid
Size: 46 ft. (14 m) 
Description:  The whale shark is the largest fish in the ocean.  The pattern on its body is a checkerboard with spots pattern. It has 300 rows of back curved teeth which aren't used for feeding. 

Great White Shark
Diet: fish, rays, other sharks, seals, sea lions, crabs, cephalopods
Size:  23 ft. (7 m)
Description:  This shark is the largest carnivorous shark in the ocean. The great white shark is named after its underside, which is white. They can even jump out of the water. 
Shortfin Mako Shark
Diet: fish, other sharks, squid, sea turtles, marine mammals                           
Size:  13 ft. (3.9 m) 
Description:  An aggressive, constant feeding shark the mako is very fast. They can reach up to 50-mph during short bursts of speeds. 
So, sharks are dangerous but not all the time. Sharks are still mysterious to scientists because they hold unknown secrets. And I hope we get to the bottom of this one day soon.  

If you have any valuable info and questions please write about them in your comments.  

Shark Attack Statistics Graph: The dark blue bar represents the total attacks,
the light blue bar represents the total deaths. 



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